Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Adventure Begins with Thirty Day Challenge 2008!

Welcome to my brand new blog where I will be highlighting some of my adventures as I go on my FORTH trip through the Thirty Day Challenge.

The Thirty Day Challenge is an annual event hosted by Ed Dale. Ed Dale teaches everyone who joins how they can begin to make their first money online ... for FREE. That's right, with ZERO investment. Not only does Ed Dale not attempt to upsell you on anything but he also does fantastic things in showing us how to make money online without spending a single red cent! Even those veterans to Internet Marketing will benefit greatly by his teachings and the teachings of others he brings in. (Dan Raine and Frank Kern for starters) Dan Raine is Ed Dale's right hand man in this and also deserves a TON of credit for the site's creation.

I'm super excited. Every year seems to be better than the last. Not really because I already know stuff. That seems almost a non-issue for me as Ed Dale always ensures TONS of totally new information during the Thirty Day Challenge but rather because I'm learning how to get the most from my experience.

Additionally, the Thirty Day Challenge 2008 brings with it my much anticipated team which has been planned for a full year now! More on that later. Definitely deserves it's own post. :)

Preseason kick off was June 1st but I missed it by a few days to my great dismay. But I'm here now and there's plenty of time before the big Thirty Day Challenge official launch; which is August 1st, 2008.

If you are interested in joining the Thirty Day Challenge, jump on it right now! You won't regret a moment of it, I guarantee it.

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